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The World of


A Safe Place to LandSara Bareilles (ft. John Legend)
00:00 / 04:43




A terraqueous globe, Myr'nautilôn's stormy seas rise with the tides of neighboring planets. In a great trench in a whirlpool sea live a shadowlike people, the Sol'yn. Their shallow seas counterparts, the Lid'yn live in the sunlit days. A brotherhood of diplomatic dragonriders, the Hydrobrachians, face an interstellar invader, the Droom, oil-blooded lifeforms vulnerable to water. Their war poisoned the seas with oil blood, leaving the resistance to the remaining Sol'yn, Lid'yn, and Hydrobrachians.

Planet Details

Planet Gallery

February 2023  |  The Adventures of Zea  |  By Karli Andreas Gieben

DISCLAIMER: This website features music and artwork uncredited to original authors. The appearance of works of art on this site is not an endorsement from any artist, and these artists have not been contacted. The Adventures of Zea is currently a non-commercial home project. Copyright infringement is NOT intended. Email with questions or concerns. Thank you!

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