child of Iunn
Name pronunciation: "Oo-ee"
Main Relationships:

Ouy’s story began in the rocky coves set into the mountain foothills of Kali, his home village. Smaller than the rest of his six siblings, Ouy was the “runt” among his litter. From early in life, Ouy struggled to prove his worth to his brothers, being timid and cautious where they were bold and reckless. Ouy’s respite from his brothers’ exclusion was his sister, Ery. Her compassion towards him distanced her from their brothers, but provided hope to Ouy. Ery eventually found purpose as an apprentice to Kali’s elderly therapist, while each of his brothers crafted different kinds of tools.
Aside from his sister, the only thing that seemed to lift Ouy’s spirits was the thought of becoming a Shah’min. An order of druidic healers inspired by wildlife, the Shah’min traveled the forests of Iunn, seeking new life and integrating nature with communities of Iunnian people. Visits to Kali of the Shah’min were treasured memories of Ouy’s. It was the only type of village gathering at which Ouy would put himself to the fore, asking questions and hoping to learn more about how he could join the Shah’min someday.
Several years into training himself to become a Shah’min, studying and meditating in nature, the mountain above the forest began to rumble with the first signs of volcanic activity. Then the fateful day came when Ouy woke from a meditation deep in the forest to the thunder of the volcanic eruption. He raced towards Kali, approaching with dread as he watched his home buried in a fiery cloud of ash. The pyroclastic flow would have taken him too, if not for the great stone arch collapsing into the forest before him. Coughing through the dust, Ouy set out to search for survivors, calling for Ery and his brothers. Ouy fell, devastated, as he learned that Ery had been in the village, along with three of his five brothers.
In the recovery after the natural disaster, Ouy found no consolation from his two living brothers, who were too distant for comfort. It wouldn’t be long before Ouy found Zea, a Mountainfolk girl who shared his tragedy, having lost her brother and her own village. Having barely known each other as distant acquaintances before, Ouy and Zea bonded over their shared loss, each filling the emptiness left behind by their kin.
For several years, Ouy and Zea felt like brother and sister. They did everything together, and as Ouy’s desire to be a world traveler faded along with Zea’s, they decided to settle in the community of Shen. Ouy lived next door to Zea, often going on hikes with her in the surrounding forest.
Witnessing Zea’s grace as a member of the community, Ouy’s feelings toward her changed. Despite his growing affection for her, Ouy outwardly maintained his brotherly role. Very sensitive about their relationship, Ouy wanted to preserve their love, and so kept his feelings to himself. Though Ouy made a small living trading intricate woodworking he made of forest animals and natural landscapes, he still felt inferior in his contribution to village life. It was partly because of this that he felt shy about sharing his true feelings with Zea. Ouy helped decorate Zea’s home with his best works of woodcarving and even shaped the wood of the walls in both her and his own abodes.Over the months leading to the night of Zea’s departure for the stars, Ouy began working up the courage to express himself and attempt to court her. Little did he know that his feelings were already known to her.